3S explored Vienna

3S explored Vienna

Friday, 28th May

Train ride to Vienna – not youtube but "Vienna's tube" from Wien Westbahnhof to Stefansplatz - exhibition "Augenschmaus" in the Bank Austria Kunstforum (a real feast for the eye; some exhibits, however e.g. the table with the plate where you could see an oesophagus and a stomach from the inside or the dead rabbit which was eaten by the maggots are definitely not a feast for some people's stomachs) – lunch break (most of the girls and boys used it for a visit to a fast food restaurant, others did some shopping) – Naschmarkt (do you know the following food: stilton, dragonfruit, yams, chickpeas, hummus, pecorino ,… - yes, we know, you could look it up on the internet but a visit to the Naschmarkt is a feast for the eye, the nose, the ear and the mouth)


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